Working with Measurements

TinyFlux supports working with multiple measurements. A measurement is analagous to a “table” in traditional RDMS. By accessing TinyFlux through a measurement, the same database API is utilized, but with a filter for the passed measurement.

To access TinyFlux through a measurment, use db.measurement(name):

>>> db = TinyFlux("my_db.csv")
>>> m = db.measurement("my_measurement")
>>> m.insert(Point(time=datetime(2022, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc), tags={"my_tag_key": "my_tag_value"}))
>>> m.all()
[Point(time=2022-01-01T00:00:00+00:00, measurement=my_measurement, tags=my_tag_key:my_tag_value)]
>>> for point in m:
>>>     print(point)
Point(time=2022-01-01T00:00:00+00:00, measurement=my_measurement, tags=my_tag_key:my_tag_value)


TinyFlux uses a measurement named _default as the default measurement.

To remove a measurement and all its points from a database, use:

>>> db.drop_measurement('my_measurement')


>>> m.remove_all()

To get a list with the names of all measurements in the database:

>>> db.get_measurements()