Exploring Data

An understanding of how queries in TinyFlux work can be applied to several database operations.

Query-based Exploration

The primary method for query usage is through the .search(query). Other useful search methods are below:

.contains(query) <–> Check if the database contains any Points matching a Query

This returns a simple boolean value and is the fastest search op.

>>> # Check if db contains any Points for Los Angeles after the start of 2022.
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
>>> q1 = TagQuery().city == "Los Angeles"
>>> q2 = TimeQuery() >= datetime(2022, 1, 1, tzinfo = ZoneInfo("US/Pacific"))
>>> db.contains(q1 & q2)

.count(query) <–> Count the number of Points matching a Query

This returns an integer.

>>> # Count the number of Points for Los Angeles w/ a temp over 100 degrees.
>>> q1 = TagQuery().city == "Los Angeles"
>>> q2 = FieldQuery().temperature_f > 100.0
>>> db.count(q1 & q2)

.get(query) <–> Get the first Point in the database matching a Query

This returns a Point instance, or None if no Points were found.

>>> # Return the first Point in the db for LA w/ more than 1 inch of precipitaion.
>>> q1 = TagQuery().city == "Los Angeles"
>>> q3 = FieldQuery().preciptation > 1.0
>>> db.get(q1 & q3)

.search(query) <–> Get all the Points in the database matching a Query

This is the primary method for querying the database, and returns a list of Point instances, sorted by timestamp.

>>> # Get all Points in the DB for Los Angeles in 2022 in which the AQI was "hazardous".
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
>>> q1 = TagQuery().city == "Los Angeles"
>>> q2 = TimeQuery() >= datetime(2022, 1, 1, tzinfo = ZoneInfo("US/Pacific"))
>>> q3 = TimeQuery() < datetime(2023, 1, 1, tzinfo = ZoneInfo("US/Pacific"))
>>> q4 = FieldQuery().air_quality_index > 100 # hazardous is over 100
>>> db.search(q1 & q2 & q3 & q4)

.select(attributes, query) <–> Get attributes from Points in the database matching a Query

This returns a list of attributes from Points matching the Query. Similar to SQL “select”.

>>> # Get the time, city, and air-quality index ("AQI") for all Points with an AQI over 100.
>>> q = FieldQuery().aqi > 100
>>> db.select("fields.aqi", q)
>>> db.select(("time", "city", "fields.aqi"), q)
[(datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 15, 8, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), "Los Angeles", 132)]

Attribute-based Exploration

The database can also be explored based on attributes, as opposed to queries.

.get_measurements() <–> Get all the measurements in the database

This returns an alphabetically-sorted list of measurements in the database.

>>> db.insert(Point(measurement="cities"))
>>> db.insert(Point(measurement="stock prices"))
>>> db.get_measurements()
>>> ["cities", "stock prices"]

.get_field_keys() <–> Get all the field keys in the database

This returns an alphabetically-sorted list of field keys in the database.

>>> db.insert(Point(fields={"temp_f": 50.2}))
>>> db.insert(Point(fields={"price": 2107.44}))
>>> db.get_field_keys()
["temp_f", "price"]

.get_field_values(field_key) <–> Get all the field values in the database

This returns all the values for a specified field_key, in order of insertion order in the database. This might be useful for determining a range of values a field could take.

>>> db.insert(Point(fields={"temp_f": 50.2}))
>>> db.insert(Point(fields={"price": 2107.44}))
>>> db.get_field_values("temp_f")

.get_tag_keys() <–> Get all the tag keys in the database

This returns an alphabetically-sorted list of tag keys in the database.

>>> db.insert(Point(tags={"city": "LA"}))
>>> db.insert(Point(tags={"company": "Amazon.com, Inc."}))
>>> db.get_tag_keys()
["city", "company"]

.get_tag_values([tag_key]) <–> Get all the tag values in the database

This returns all the values for a list of specified tag keys.

>>> db.insert(Point(tags={"city": "LA"}))
>>> db.insert(Point(tags={"company": "Amazon.com, Inc."}))
>>> db.get_tag_values()
{"city": ["Los Angeles"], "company": ["Amazon.com, Inc."]}

.get_timestamps() <–> Get all the timestamps in the database

This returns all the timestamps in the database by insertion order.

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
>>> time_2022 = datetime(2022, 1, 1, tzinfo = ZoneInfo("US/Pacific"))
>>> time_1900 = datetime(1900, 1, 1, tzinfo = ZoneInfo("US/Pacific"))
>>> db.insert(Point(time=time_2022))
>>> db.insert(Point(time=time_1900))
>>> db.get_timestamps()
[datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 8, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 8, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)]

Full Dataset Exploration

Sometimes access to all the data is needed. There are two methods for doing so- one that brings in all the database items into memory, and one that provides a generator that iterates over items one at a time.

.all() <–> Get all of the points in the database

This returns all the points in the database by timestamp order. To retrieve by insertion order, pass sorted=False argument. This will bring all of the data into memory at once.

>>> db.all() # Points returned sorted by timestamp.


>>> db.all(sorted=False) # Points returned by insertion order.

iter(db) <–> Iterate over all the points in the database

This returns a generator over which point-by-point logic can be applied. This does not pull everything into memory.

>>> iter(db)
<generator object TinyFlux.__iter__ at 0x103e3d970>
>>> for point in db:
...     print(point)
Point(time=2022-01-01T08:00:00+00:00, measurement=_default)
Point(time=1900-01-01T08:00:00+00:00, measurement=_default)

The list of all the data exploration methods covered above:

Query-based Exploration


Whether or not the database contains any points matching a query


Count the number of points matching a query


Get one point from the database matching a query


Get all points from the database matching a query

db.select(attrributes, query)

Get attributes froms points matching a query

Attribute-based Exploration


Get the names of all measurements in the database


Get all the timestamps from the database, by insertion order


Get all tag keys from the database


Get all tag values from the database


Get all field keys from the database


Get all field values from the database

Full Dataset Exploration


Get all points in the database


Return a generator for all points in the database